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Beetlejuice 2 Who Is Johnny Depp Playing

Johnny Depp Not Appearing in Beetlejuice 2

Rumors of Depp's Involvement Debunked

Dispelling the Speculation

Recent rumors circulating online have suggested that Johnny Depp would be making a cameo appearance in the upcoming sequel to the iconic film Beetlejuice. However, these claims have been officially debunked, leaving fans disappointed but well-informed.

The origin of the rumor can be traced back to an unverified report published by Giant Freakin Robot in 2023, which stated that Depp would appear in the sequel. This sparked widespread excitement among fans of both Depp and the original Beetlejuice film.

However, reputable sources have now confirmed that Depp is not involved in Beetlejuice 2 in any capacity. It is important to note that rumors and speculations should be treated with caution, particularly when it comes to high-profile projects like this one.


While it would have been exciting to see Johnny Depp return to the world of Beetlejuice, it is clear that this will not be the case. The official debunking of these rumors serves as a reminder to consume news and rumors with a critical eye, ensuring that information is accurate before spreading it further.
